Sunday, July 25, 2010

Week 1 Summary - Blogmania

In week one I played with 4 blog types:
  1. Blogger (this one) - very intuitive and easy to set up.
  2. Wordpress - found this difficult to navigate and gave up - I have no patience. Liked the look of it though ie. the design.
  3. iweb on my Mac ( The blog feature of iweb doesn't have all the inbuilt widgets but maybe less is more. I did find a site for widgets here: But, I like the clean look of iweb and it is very easy to use.
  4. Blackboard at the university. I have set up blogs for the new midwifery students as a way for them to gather evidence for their 'portfolio' - I will see how it goes.
I have also subscribed to a handful of diverse blogs from participants of this course and worked out how to get the updates to turn up in my email account. I'm looking forward to following others on this online journey of discovery.

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